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Jul 2014
The child I was
Was the child I became
Sad, silent eyes that I don't remember
To myself Or
The world
My world was small and narrow
And surrounded by people that that I liked and even loved
Puzzling they seemed
Lots of friends as puzzled as I at this strange
World populated by those large, tall and passionless adults, calling the Many words of friendship
Not only I mistrusted.
We grew together and apart
And mourned those we lost in whatever ways,
The next generation children of the
Generations before
And before them.
We didn't think to complain
No one did then.
And now?
We finally find,  and I hope its not only I,
That the freedom
We've sought In so many
Inappropriate and self- destructive
Solutions, began
With one small journey
That stretches into some far off horizon
None of us can see.
I've never tried to edit a poem before, so I hope it has improved the sense of it. I've found that punctuation can improve understanding.
Alison Anne Thomas
Written by
Alison Anne Thomas  London area
(London area)   
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