on this day in 1969, Denton Cooley implemented the first artificial heart into a human whose nature was slowly failing and falling apart blood barely pumping under electric skin fake skin pumping blues under rubber valves and tubes it kept his breath for 64 hours.
I imagine his family watched the light leave his eyes and not even love or divine intervention could beat him back to equilibrium wires surging through him your body is not science project it's a miracle but I guess it's conditional because some people see the light too soon when not even artificial life can keep you from dying
even with robotic models clinking clanking subconscious pounding veins into submission keep this miracle alive revived it's not cheating Mother Nature it's not cheating your life beating pressed against the odds artificial body artificial feelings love isn't even a feeling it's a combination of chemicals connected in your brain but I wonder if that human felt his rubber heart breaking when he saw the tears in the eyes of his family these aren't emotions imitation life can fake even though not all of me is here, I still feel like nothing ever left me they didn't know I would leave so soon 64 hours I could wake up a robot I could wake up a miracle either way I'll be gone in 32 more hours when a brand new heart infects my blood you didn't finish the job but you held me over beating on my chest for me blue blood pumping but I guess I forgot how to do it on my own when my own heart should have never even left me