I ran up to you and flung myself in your arms Our mouths connecting in a kiss In front of all our friends.
you pulled me back a surprised look on your face Really? You asked hope written in every word
Yes I say Pulling you in for another addictive kiss.
I was yours forever and you were mine
All throught the day The day of love we couldnt contain ours
you turned to me Are we dating now? I looked at you and smiled Yeah I think we are Smiling back at me Cool
Valentines day Isnt just a holiday to me. Its the Day my Life started.
I was dating someone before my fiance, BUt I was starting to fall for my fiance. I told him that he would Know that I was single and his forever when I kissed him in front of everyone and didnt care who saw. HENCE the part of this poem that says (really? Yes)