To fall in and out of this drunken web we weave Time goes by slower than desired you still need to find what you desire Because you won't find it in what we have conspired
I am not the dot on your radar I am the spot you missed in the grass I am your friend but that grass continues to grow and love is not what embraces it to such a mass
Silence is said to be golden because it is simply a reiteration of things that have the properties of being broken What do your silent spells tell me that my pauses in speech have not already spoken?
You are fire and I am water But we are not blissfully ignorant no, this is not an indie movie we are opposites but they do not attract they distinguish the other water makes fire smother and water evaporates into its brother
You are a flame being kindled by the desires of youth and I am waters flowing through all walks of life with eyes of a learned elder. I observe, you do, I observe you, I intrigue you, You act upon you.
I flow and you burn We are opposites that don't attract This isn't a dream, but we can surely act I have a beautiful mind You have a beautiful body and you have such a hollow tact
We both have passions Mine compassion, yours politics Mine genuine, yours manipulative Emotions are art, emotions are toys Find your heart in clever decoys
I see your core Yes, it's beautiful but your afflictions have it so clouded that you are pushing me away You need to sort out your clouds You need to act I need to observe.