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Jun 2014
In this, the "intervention"
They insist upon contention
Oh...did they fail to mention
Why they brought you here today?
Infliction of position
A reversal indecision
Can't you tell...?
They're on a mission:
Make the problem go away
For they see not who you are
But who you aren't now by far
They point the finger where you are
To keep the tables now unturned
They never stop...they always stare
Never equal when compared
They scandalize the unprepared
All while pretending they're concerned
Don't you know they know what's best?
So much more than all the rest
They try to force you to ingest
The bitter pills that they won't swallow
So defensive in their offense
Making perfect, utter nonsense
Only one thing holds importance...
See you fail if you won't follow
Strip away all that you know
Conceal yourself in all you show
As long as you will feign to throw away
What makes you who you are
They seek only to destroy
With every trick and every ploy
Until they break their newfound toy
That way, they can't feel their own scars
Diary of the Damned
Written by
Diary of the Damned  Stanford, Kentucky
(Stanford, Kentucky)   
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