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Jun 2014
The lonely old man wrinkled he's aged,
he's gone into care he feels like he's caged.

Weak he's fragile but his mind is in tact,
the way life is it's a matter of fact.

The lonely old man he's missing his wife,
waiting to die looking back o his life

Looking through photographs a distant memory it seems,
frightened by death it's plaguing his dreams.

The lonely old man it seems nobody cares,
in his bedroom he sits there and stares.

One day a young lady comes to help him get ready,
on his feet he's not stable he's become unsteady.

The lonely old man he's feeling a tired old chap,
the lady dresses him smartly finishing with his cap.

Out in the gardens she takes him for a walk,
from his wheelchair  he laughs as they talk.

The lonely old man and the lady they bond,
watching the fish as they swim in the pond.

Days go by the man weakens he's worse,
the lady stays with him that's her promise as a nurse.

The lonely old man ready to leave his life,
he starts seeing the face of his beautiful wife.

Holding his hand she knows he is dying,
trying to be professional she can't stop herself crying.

The lonely old man turns to the lady,
his face has darkened his eyes grey and shady.

Slipping away his breathing is slow
knowing it's time for him he must go.
Written by
laurie  Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
(Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK)   
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