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Jun 2014
Desolate spaces filled with stories, love, despair. Lives lived through tubes and screaming machines. Channels comforting the wave of medicine crashing into veins. Flooding sloppy hopelessness into the oxygen we call life. It's okay dear it's only temporary.

So I hold the hand of strength. Walk me through this town of pain. Breathe into me, grab me by the bootstraps. Pile my issues into a storage room. Puffed up chest acting bigger than the sickness. A kick to the lungs left deflated birthday balloon. Pump me full of it, I'll take the bullet

Common sense doesn't apply here. Making words out of these hieroglyphics. The writing on these walls is in sharpie. Struggled effort blown into the wind. Experience life with me. Here. Now. Forever.

Take this place out of your blood pumping heart. You belong elsewhere. Somewhere of comfort and peace. A day of content together pure. So I'll take you away. Away to that place. To elated smiles, moving hearts, unfiltered bliss. I love the way strength radiates bodies. Flex one more time for the cameras. This show will play on repeat
Written by
JWolfeB  27/M/Cairo, Egypt
(27/M/Cairo, Egypt)   
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