Flying upon the sea Mystifying as the aqua gleams Body at freeze Ego at ease Soul at peace Plunging towards the captivating vibration, I go Clicking towards the mind, is a bowl A metallic bowl within mere space Flowing with the vibrant, warm water Deeper and deeper below No time no 'life', as everything is at slow Deeper and deeper the faster I ***** Bubbles glistening and popping into my skin Not knowing how or so thus had begin Deeper and deeper below Near, under, and through my physical barrier Gliding through, swimming, diving upon my soul Just as I am doing towards the bowl as the closer I go to meet a hole Cyrus! Cyrus! Feeling a distant call Very distant, very low Bubble, bubble, pop pop Sliding out every aspect of barriers I seemed to have They met at the open Thus my ego Cyrus, were formed as a token Deep whispers through his ears were spoken Telling him Holding his very sanity Keeping his sense of vanity Explode Particles within the tank Within the bowl Meeting every physical barrier it had Acid Burned and burned until all there was, was a purple smoke