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Jun 2014
How the hell is it possible to feel this way when our lips only brushed for a split second?
When just looking at you makes my stomach fill up with butterflies.
Your strong hands reassure me when I’m too scared to kiss you, then the fireworks go off with a light show better than the 4th of July.
When your lips brushed gentler than a butterflies wings onto mine, the butterflies that only appear when I’m with you fluttered.
How can you, my best friend, make me feel this way?
When I’m with you my pulse hastens so my heart can tell how much that gentle, half a second kiss made me fall for you even more.
My mind is like a race horse running in your direction, but never reaching you, but never changing it’s way, when just the thought of you jumps into my memory a smile pours across my face.
I've never had a name for this feeling before, but the ,shortest, kiss of all kisses made me realize that this is love.
Original Work by: Tasa Jalbert
Tasa Jalbert
Written by
Tasa Jalbert  18/Gender Fluid
(18/Gender Fluid)   
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