The pages seemed to come alive I tell you this and it is no jive The story capturing an old man and a house Somewhere in the story it also involves a mouse The story begins with a sunrise No idea what the day will be so it is a surprise The old man is a retired Lumberjack He would be chopping lumber to build houses But the old man certainly was never alone At least this is what the house had shown There was always this mouse The mouse seemed to be a companion in the house The mouse would often sit by the old man There seemed to be an understanding and no command The mouse was always given some cheese The old man made the mouse feel like he was his squeeze The old man would often talk to the mouse It was always the old man’s words throughout the house Then one night a big Thunderstorm came The storm was like battle stations ready to take aim with all the thunder, lightening and rain The moon seemed to be given a vacation as a shade among the clouds A theory of the night The heavy fog that blocked out sight Yet the mouse showed no fright The old man felt he wasn’t going to make the storm his plight He didn’t want to feel uptight The mouse knew how to keep the old man calm and suddenly not alarm Well the storm finally passed by It was courage in the old man’s try That old man and his house Being together including a mouse A house built for more than just one, and a creation of a foundation being done.