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May 2014
She is master of the game,
aggressive, fearless, confident
It was simple black and white
She always triumphed, never slowed down
She is master of the game.

"This streak can't last forever,"
" If something can go wrong, it will go wrong," they would say
But she was smart, skilled, and driven,
A dangerous combination
Failure never even crossed her mind, let alone her consideration

Challenges excited her, she lived for the thrill, the adrenaline rush
This was the one thing she was good at
The rest of her life may go to hell
She may be able to give up everything else
But this was her passion, her vocation, her calling

She thought she was invincible

... She wasn't.

She was humbled by a little soul, born too young, too soon
She wanted to be his champion
To fight for his life
She did everything by the book and more
Countless procedures, sleepless nights, fitful dreams tormented her
All so she could give him one more day, one more breath

He fought valiantly as well
He exceeded all expectations
He proved the tests wrong
He made her hope that another success was coming
That the dawn was fast approaching

No one saw it coming
He succumbed after 6 weeks
Six grueling weeks of punishment
Maybe he was just tired of fighting
Maybe it was something she overlooked
Maybe there was something more she could have done

Maybe, maybe, maybe...
The venom of that single word coursed through her veins
"You did everything you could," they said
Then why, why must he pay with his life?
Why was it that, if she did everything right, this was the result?

Why was she the one alive?
When every breath she took reminded her of the one he lost
When losing at the game meant a life lost, a future destroyed?
When defeat meant grief, suffering, and pain?

Maybe she wasn't master of the game after all...
For Sam.
dr Jade
Written by
dr Jade
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