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May 2014
A bright full moon invites,

midnight blue firmament is rich with starlight

while a gentle sea breeze blows on this starry night,

making stargazing such a delight...

Twas a house in a quaint village, with a dimly lit gazebo,

two shadows, two lovers' hearts are aglow .......

to Schubert's Serenade, they dance, embrace, like Romeo and Juliet

their bodies, clinging so close, now turn to moving silhouettes...

the night's romantic mood attunes with the weather...

in the garden's hidden corners,

further down, near the sea waters

nameless couples coo at each other...
hoping for that promise of union

waiting for its consummation...

             ­            lovers'

a captivating
                             ­     invites...



          ......  does
                        ... not
                                 ... excite...



Copyright 2014
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
Sally A Bayan
Written by
Sally A Bayan  F/Manila, Philippines
(F/Manila, Philippines)   
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