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May 2014
You don't have to be someone else than who you are,
There're so many people out there trying to fit in
Good and the bad, all different corners of your heart
You won't ever be satisfied if you're not comfartable in your own skin


My gears run in the opposite direction, they say I'm just a sucker for the right connections,
stare at me long enough and it's gonna' be a fatal attraction, confessions, spilling out faster than i can mention that i am a *******' slave to the latest inventions,
no harm in livin' your life like it's gonna' end in a second, pay heed to the temptations spreading out like an infection,
eats you inside and out, there was never gonna' be a question if i pay them sinners for my own destruction,
and all is lost and buried after the eruption,
corrupting my soul as i **** another door to make amendments, but my intentions are rockin' a ******* *******
separating the core and mixing it with what you're told and givin' a new complexion
and you're not 'gonna stop till you can be the source of their affection, no reflection of who you are,you're just a projection of all the things they perceive as imperfection,
and you'll make it an obsession and won't even object when they seal the deal with your objection,
It's never gonna' be enough,you'll never be able to get their attention, get recognition the way you are, they're always 'gonna be one step away from redemption,
and you're always gonna' be a step too close to taste their aggression, and you'll never be the master of your own actions, unless you can find a source to your own expressions,
tension in the atmosphere, every moment will feel like a nightmare until you can find the right connections,
and be done with the visual perceptions, failing to realise, lies they feed you and take you to the point of intersection of their deception,
and don't be too sad if you face rejection, 'cause the society is 'gonna keep putting pressure and give you all the instructions to function
and there's gonna' be no satisfaction unless you break out, shout out loud, tell them all about how beautiful it is to dysfunction
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Written by
aviisevil  28/M/india
   Hailey and Jayanta
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