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May 2014
Her eyes shine bright

Standing out in the crowd

She stands out beautifully against the docks

Walking so swiftly

Across the rocks

The  rocks are jagged

Smoothened by her touch

If you think you can catch her

Your out of luck

I tried to catch her eyes

While she looked my way

I saw her walked towards me

I started to sway

She ran into my arms

I held her real tight

She looked up to me

I could tell she didn't want a fight

I held her close to me

I held her through the night

We watched the stars light up

I felt happy and calm

She did too

We finally kissed

In front of the moon

We took our time

I felt her swoon

I looked into her eyes

They stood out a lot

She stood out greatly

Against the whole lot
John Marcus
Written by
John Marcus  Chicago
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