runnerman from responsibility
over the seas swim undone,
walk on water pretend saint,
don't deny culpability,
no using can't, weighted, ain't,
but never say
words failed me
liar on fire, name names,
name yourself
before the board of inquiry
first among sinners,
ain't you weakly proud, yet,
don't deny responsibility,
but never say
words failed me
pathway thru the kingdom of men
to reach the ways of heaven,
looking for excuses, indifferent,
look for reasons, insufficient,
looking for travel guides
guaranteeing a good time had
bye, bye all
but never say
words failed me
your body may fly away,
or just deteriorate,
so many choices to
drown yourself in sin,
paper, rock, scissors,
or just a handy mirror
but never say
words failed me
words alone,
true words,
words only,
of others,
your own,
can save you
when you are about to
fail yourself