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May 2014
Perhaps our story ended,
and we turned past the last page.
Nothing left for amendment,
the path before us laid.

This book met a conclusion.
What a fairy tale it was.
Maybe just an illusion,
the heart and mind plays tricks, it does.

Yet it all just seemed so true.
Who knew,
it would be just like a movie?
People dream to exist like this,
instead they live assuming.

I backtrack through the chapters,
nearly driven insane.
Forever chasing after,
a retelling of our claims

Perhaps someday I'll feel the same
evolve beyond these throes.
In days those passions were untamed,
where every ending goes.
Jeremy Bean
Written by
Jeremy Bean  M/Detroit, Michigan
(M/Detroit, Michigan)   
       r, Harkaran, ohmyink, Gaby Comprés, Paula Lee and 7 others
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