! She has a strength inside her that seeps out too bright They falter to stand next to her || under her shadow || || \\//__
she has had pain they have held it to her face and flung it at her again and again
she will not falter; but when the waves of sorrow crash < upon her heart 3 salt pouring into her tightly bound wounds she wrenches herself together, gracefully retreats to slip away
and agonisingly cry till her liquid baubles of pain are crystal dry another layer of strength crystallising her in mind
yet they only see her strength as a poison to overcome and her foot steps though sure, are placed with such delicate care that no one has everthe courage to follow her or dare Walk on the high road to redemption
instead they stay stuck in thier own reflection of pride Made up of excuses and lies.
she is a being of light and strength despite her humaness and frailtie they are gifts and can not be un bestowed ~ or ~ \ / torn her from
they can only create an ill-usion that satisfies themselves In to a comfortable delusion on their road to perdition.
In her strength she will always overcome, it was written on her soul*