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May 2014
Tall they stand,Β Β browned by sun and wind
Heads held proudly high as they get the harvest in
Yes these are men of the Sussex Weald who proudly work the land
These are the men who plant and gather the food that feeds the land
For generations handed down the long held Wealden crafts
They still know how to coppice the hazel oak and ash
They can still use the tools their grandfather used those many years ago
The billhook and the scythe,Β Β the hand axe and the ***
Now modern machines do the work but the old crafts will never die
Men of the Weald are a proud race until the day they die
Yes I'm a man of the Sussex Weald and know how to wield the axe
I know how to work the land but my pay wont make me fat
This was written fof a bit of fun but most of it holds true
Joe Cole
Written by
Joe Cole  Horsham Sussex
(Horsham Sussex)   
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