Esoteric Alchemy ~ To make of One Form into Many. To See beyond the Surface Structure, and shift its Shape from the Ordinary into Extraordinary...
~Can’t We just Design parallel Surfaces, without intercepting Asymptotes?
…how about with Tangent Tangerines, or in Earthening Collard Greens?
What if I swirled into You upon a slinky Sinusoidal Serpentine Dream…
You could slither Me up with a taste of Your Raspberry Vanilla Eye Scream…
We should Integrate our Derivative into the Summed Square total of its Parts…
~alas, Enter para~Plasmotic inter-Dementia, Sparkling quarks on Celestial Utopia…
Why are there Words??
~Cause its Words that Confuse… All of Transmission is otherwise Smooth Why not decide when We try to Communicate, to Assess how We Address, so the Words can Cooperate? Cause it seems to Appear Larger in Scope, if Viewed from up Here, If Not for the Invent of Words did Elope, the Fruit of War, In the Mist ~ Disappear…
One from the beginning the Year Seemed to give people a light heart giggles While maintaining the furrowed brow thing