Blade up to my wrists Note written on tear stained pages Wanting to end it all
you can do it, no one will care
Tears of pain run down my cheeks my world finally crumbling down
I'm sorry sister brothers mama daddy But I cant do this anymore.
Holding on to that last bit of Strength I turned to the one person who I knew could help
My best friend through the ages I text you blade still to my wrist tears still falling down
And even though your words were obvious and even though I lashed out with cruelity fighting you every step of the way you didnt give up on me you didnt back away
You saved me. My Best friend through the ages. I guess when you said you would always be there You werent joking
SO thank you Thank you Nathan For saving my life.
A few weeks ago I had a breakdown and aslmost commited suicide. And the one person that popped in my head who could maybe help me was Nathan. I am so grateful to him he doesnt even realize.