step 1: random-add everyone you see without liking any of their poetry to get follow-backs for free
step 2: make your poem trendy usually about love heartbreak, loneliness, lust, or whatever has the most hashtags these days
step 3: speaking of hashtags make sure to sprinkle your poem with as much hashtags as possible (don't even think about if they're related or not) #love #trending #anoerxia #*** #death #zucchini
step 4: if you're running out of ideas grab something mildly poetic from a song shake it up a little and trim it down to about ten words
step 5: don't forget to make your poem short because people don't have the attention span to complete anything these da
step 6: watch the view numbers come rolling in and count them like money
congratulations! you win *nothing.
since when did poetry become a popularity contest? / all resemblances to real people are entirely coincidental, no offense intended.