Ever wonder how that guy in the papers wound up that way? Do you think about why you may believe it's bad to **** people? Ever fall down and lose the desire to get up? Ever stare at a door because you don't want to be on the other side? Have you stared into mirrors for far too long in public bathrooms because you realized your mind is somewhere in that carcass? Did you say something you didn't mean to absolute strangers just to get them to say something interesting? Did it work? Did it surprise you when it failed? Do you feel emotions or just wear them? Is your natural state humanism or sociopathy? Do you think about suicide at least twice, even on a good day? Does your head scream at night so loud that you can't believe others aren't deafened by the noise? Do see others as putting toothpicks in the sand, and failing to measure things that are ephemeral? Are you alone?