She felt like the ugly duckling, with her braces that interrupted her crooked smile. That felt like the day to remove them was to long she hated her metal smile.
Her glasses that looked like they were made to see things in outer space, that made everything she looked at look ten feet away.
Her dress sense was something to be desired, she looked like her mother had given her hand me down clothes, they never matched her size or colours that clashed in so many ways.
Her spots looked like you would find in a book of connect the dots, and you would win a prize for completing the picture, with marker pen upon her face finishing on her nose.
But in every story, youth gives away to age.
Now grown up, the teeth straight not a metal bit in sight, laser surgery and now she sees what she likes. Her clothes she now picks, her confidence now shot up to the sky.
Her complexion that once looked the surface of the moon, now smoothed out all acne a distant memory, she like to see her self in the mirror not scared of what she will see.
Now to finish off, she is now white on her wedding day, with the man that saw her inner beauty so many years ago.
As she is a swan in white, the ugly duckling was never really there, but to her now gone away.