In the seat with the split window, black cold metal blocked the road ahead, the sliver of window from the seat infront of me clouded and beaded with cold rain. I'm only aware of what's passing me now -- what I've already passed. None of it feels real, though. The trees and roadside ditches seem to jump like an old film like thousands of pictures flashing in sequence. The rain streaks making the scene flow not quite right. A few seats behind me painted nails trace an empty smile on the condensation. Thousamds of raindrops rolled behind two blank eyes and one hollow smile. Yet, the image never beaded and melted away, even as she started to cry. I watched the wind pet small waves onto window puddles, and flinched as pothole vibrations cut it apart. As we lerch forward -- perhaps for a red light -- the puddle would run to an unseen place, a place I could not see yet.