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Apr 2014
I am not submissive.
I don't give in
to peoples'
demands, wants, needs or commands.
Instead, I help.
I am courteous.

I am not pure.
I have made mistakes in my life.
I don't need to wear a turtleneck
to conceal my body, but
I practice modesty.

I am not quiet.
I have my own voice
therefore it is my duty to exercise
my right of free speech.
My voice makes a difference.
I speak up for the
downtrodden and the oppressed
the frustrated and distressed.

I am not perfect.
My legs are not skyscrapers
and my waist is not skeleton small
but by golly, I think that I have
the biggest heart of all.
Look into my eyes and see the true me.
A woman. Who else can I be?
I get angered when people expect women to be silent and obedient. We have our own voices and bodies. We are our own person.
Wíštfûł Wáñdêręr
Written by
Wíštfûł Wáñdêręr  My Home Is Wherever I Go
(My Home Is Wherever I Go)   
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