glowing under the comforter,
that's high tucked under chin,
but white glow
escaping from underneath it
his electronic tablet,
in multiple ways, charging,
on his chesting, resting,
like a hot water bottle,
the screen warmth,
welcome and dual-purposed
for the poems,
he dream~writes,
now, directly from his chest
nightly transposed from tablet,
passed onto you
raw unedited no disclaimer
revoking writes of rights
when he wakes,
he reads
what he did not know
he wrote
stray thoughts stay
some become old friends
some become farewells,
as he bids and wishes,
he knows he
no longer needed,
his matter grey,
no longer matters
Wrote itself somewhere between Five and Severn am this day,
the woman tells, she heard the keyboard tapping,
though my hands were not moving,
resting squarely outside, above the comforter wall