Wasting space, carbon, and air. Wanted to tell everyone a story, but forgot the punchline. Typically, every story has a punchline, didn't you know? Rough crowd or bad joke? Chest pains, failing organs, and trying to age "gracefully". Trying to grow old and die like a feather gently falling into a pile of ****; Swaying in the wind and wishing for dignity. We are. It makes sense, from a distance in warm light, starlight, bar light. Pride is really for the young, but you don't have to be young to lose your pride. Doesn't matter. Failing organs and personalities. **** do we deserve this. I don't have much faith in my neighbors, and they probably think I'm a sociopath. We're all part of a species that commits genocide and calls it war. Wasting space, carbon, and air.