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Apr 2014
March 18, 2014, 5:34 PM

They say that all roads lead to home but who is they and if I knew I would tell them that home is not a place although I wish it was but if all roads do lead to home I have taken every road there is to get to you but there aren't any left to take and if I knew who they were I would ask them where to go when home no longer wants them when the place they went to feel whole again is now what tears them apart but home is not a place oh how I wish it was because home was his eyes the night he told you you are what keeps him sane home was his arms the night he held you when you cried because you were losing him home was his voice the night he assured you he wasn't going anywhere but oh home is not a place home is now his eyes when he tells you he has nothing left for you home is now his arms when he says he is sorry home is now his voice when he tells you he can not stay and if all roads do lead to home I was on my way but stopped when I saw the foreclosure sign on your front door
kerosine eyes
Written by
kerosine eyes
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