I am the firm solid earth The ground i feel to walk on But i fear many waters Great vast oceans For they smash against my edges As they seek to drag me down And **** me in
I hold tight while closing my eyes For I feel the wind building Seeking to ******* away Turning and twisting me Against my lost self Blistering and attacking
I fear all fire for it Spits and burns my skin Breaking and pushing me apart As it unsettles my restful self Destroying and consuming
As my soul clings to self Like a frightened child It screams for fear Of its own life STAY AWAY STAY AWAY For i seek nothing But my own council
As my soul fears lose of self In the many day dreams That others bring to me Like a ferocious dragon Jealously guarding his treasure laden lair I hoard all that is Precious in me
But I am the stubborn earth That pushes all away As time passes I discover My many deep caves That lie within my mountains As I rest in the comfort Of my own home
I begin to call upon The many ocean To rest against my side The wind to lie upon me And the fire to rise up in me For in the sanctuary of my tomb I am consumed by the richness Of all that surrounds me
Dust is lifted from me As I am now as much The vanishing wind As the Anchored heart Blown through the air I smash against all my sides And fall as rain on mountains carving valleys and canyons Or I am absorbed by fire that Presses and pushes
Slowly I begin to guide The many external forces that shape me With this loose and loving cooperation I become my own craftsman Learning to embrace all elements And truly let go into the world of relating You become the artist of Your own face in this world
I hope this makes some sense just written it so i feel a bit close to it , I am a funny earthy stick that probably enjoys his own company a bit to much but would be very interested if any one can relate to this .