I never use to have so much free time I was always busy, With the same people, doing the same things, But I was busy all the same Now that everyone has gone, I have endless free time, And nothing to do with it I use to value the time I spent alone, Reading to myself late at night Largely because it didn't happen often, I loved taking walks by myself, With no real destination or purpose, Because then it was quiet, And I didn't have to fight for words Now it's only quite because everyone has gone, There's no longer anyone to talk to I thought when I was busy all the time, That if one day everyone left, I would be fine, it wouldn't matter How wrong I was then, It's so depressing to be alone Knowing that the people you use to spend Every minute with, laughing at the same things not because there wasn't anything else, but because those were our jokes, our secrets, and now its like they hold no meaning, I could go over everything we've ever done together And it wouldn't matter, just like I predicted because you're already gone, and you've probably forgotten but I can't bring myself to forget, Instead I linger in the past where I was happy I only feel sad now