Having dealt with death first hand I have witnessed the loss I have witnessed the pain The never ending grief of losing A brother, a mother, a friend, a lover You never see that person again You never see their face You never hear their voice It's the one time where the word "never" Is painfully the right answer It is impossible to understand How someone can be here one moment And gone the next Science can tell us That the brain has died Or the heart has stopped beating But what can tell us Where the mind went Where the soul has gone Where is our brother Where did our mother go Our friend disappeared Our lover left our world These questions press on us For the entirety of our lives It challenges our faith It darkens our world A little bit at a time We'll never understand what happened And that is why grief never truly ends
My best friend's cousin, who I've had the pleasure of meeting, died yesterday in such a tragic way. It's devastating to see people go through such a horrible time. He had a daughter. Rest In Peace, Joseph.