at age three, my preschool teacher told me, "Some ships are admired for their beauty, and such ships will sink. Ships that are functional, however, will never be admired as the other ships are. I think you have the perfect mix of beauty and functionality." since age three, both my beauty and functionality have dropped dramatically to depths never explored by this species. i am a mess, too much hate runs through these veins and somehow i am a very angry person. but i have a talent very few possess. i have vision. not beauty. not functionality. vision. i can see things in ways they have not been construed. i look at a passage and see twenty different ways to interpret it. i am a master of metaphors. i see a flower and see what it was and what it is and what it will be. but what happens to the ship that is not sat at docks being fawned over, or the ship that is not the fastest? what happens to the ship that can see the best possible path? does it get to its destination quicker? or does it go off track because of the amazing beauty it's chasing. what happens to such ships?