I cant help it I play with it all of the time, Its starting to smell funny, but I just have not got the time.
I get funny looks when I walk about, people saying I smell like a CHEESE BOARD what the hell they on about.
I cant help it, I have an idle hand down the trousers it goes and away plays my hand.
I woke up one morning and some thing I could smell, my hand still down there I sniffed my fingers HOLY CRAP what is that awful smell.
I asked my dog to sniff, he hide in the corner whimpering , it cant be that bad so I had another smell. Like mouldy cheese with sweaty ***** was this god awful smell.
It was worse than stilton, at least you can eat that well, this would bring a girl to tears and no girl would touch my stick. It would fall off from lack of use so wash it and wash it well.