Its a little dark here This illusion I created for myself. This place I thought was perfect Has turned into my nightmare. My fears are bigger And are haunting me as I cry. I see a cathedral at the end of the road With the three moons rising behind. I walk down the lane In shuffling steps of fright. There's the creak of the gates As I open and enter in to the night. My life on halt I'd like this to end I no longer know myself. The sky is clouded There's lightening in the distance, The only light, from the three heavenly bodies Looming in the sky I feel the eyes of a beast Watching me as I enter. I pull the door open Oblivious to what lies inside Feel the sweat down my back And the lump in my throat .
A bright light bursts from inside Blinding my eyes. I catch myself from falling From the mere impact. There's an altar at the centre I make my way through . There lies my body Lying like a living sacrifice. I know not the meaning Nor the reason For the tears in my eyes. All I know is my illusion was this light The darkness outside trying to invade, My only hope of being all I am. I am not the darkness outside Nor am I ruled by my fears. My light prevails through all dark times And keeps the faith in myself intact. Here, where the light shines, This is my Utopia.
Faith and hope, at the end of the day, keeps us going.