Land is disappearing ok, farms to be exact swallowed up by cities they're gone, and that's a fact developers are buying what the farmers now will sell for the subdivision builders who are waiting at the well
standing in a parking lot of what used to be a farm I remember corn and animals and I remember a red barn now, it is a big box store selling food from somewhere else grown in little laboratories from little dishes on a shelf
there used to be a farm right here a place that grew our food we knew what we were buying now we don't and we are ******* the big box stores keep coming and they're starting to intrude we once had farms and churches now we don't and we are *******
I remember driving out of town twenty minutes at the most you'd pass by at least four farms now the farmland is the host to development and wind farms No parks, just urban sprawl no fields of cows and horses just another **** strip mall
There used to be a farm here it was sold to pay the tax it was auctioned off in silence behind the farmers backs no more farms or farmers no more barns with painted names just big houses with no back yards where you don't know your neighbors names
there used to be a farm right here a place that grew our food we knew what we were buying now we don't and we are ******* the big box stores keep coming and they're starting to intrude we once had farms and churches now we don't and we are *******