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Mar 2014
The city of unaccomplished goals and dreams have many who sit and mope, some just procrastinate, while others tried but lost hope.

But there's one young man who wants to succeed so bad that it hurts. He's tired of falling and failing, and he's tired of the taste of dirt.

He wants the sweet taste of victory, but lemons are abundant here, but there is no sugar anywhere so lemonade is just bitter tears.

All the houses are made of card board and are blown down by the Big Bad Wolf. But the young man has no home, he walks and roams and it has made him strong and tough.

The Witch of the East in the morning she loves to disturb the city's peace. While the Witch of the West preferred the interruption of the city's rest.

So at night he goes to a secluded place and lays under the stars, and there he meets the man in the moon and they'd converse for hours. He'd tell stories of a cat and a fiddle, and a cow that could jump so high that even the dog would giggle.

He tells him of times that have come and gone, and of things he may never see, but the young man takes this all in awe cause the moon has his curiosity.

He tells the moon that one day he'll finally succeed, he'll have a family and everything and won't have a want or a need. And when he's old and meets with Death he'll have no fear in his heart, but he'll tell her about a theory he has that began his unexpected start.
Dominique Arnold
Written by
Dominique Arnold  Arizona
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