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Mar 2014
I read a significant amount of poetry each day.

It does not matter if their telling a story, sharing their story or that of a friend.

I don't care if their completely ******* in their feelings... I get it!

It does not matter if their on earth, another planet or in the skies....

We can be some where and everywhere at the same time.


I don't care if their
off the wall,
completely insane,
love stricken,
obsessed in love,
obsessed in hate,
spiritual or sane.


Most of us, is one, if not all of these things.

I praise the creative minds who is able to bare what infects their souls to a world of judges, strangers and on lookers.

~Butterfly ฮตั—ะท
My thoughts this morning...
Yhama ButterFly
Written by
Yhama ButterFly  Atlanta
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