There will come a time Whilst you are walking through this world When you find yourself facing So much, Each step you take you fear That it will be in isolation, Do not fret, You will never be alone. They say angels guide you, Tracing your footsteps And holding you by the hand As you continue to grow, Continue to flourish and thrive. When the storm hits the shore And you are saturated By the tears of your insecurities Remember that they are always Within your reach, A shoulder to cry on, A haven where you can Anchor yourself And ride out the storm In tranquillity and safety, You will always be Protected by copious Efforts of compassion And love, Forget the monsters under your bed, There will always be those Whose hearts glow Like night lights while You dream of kingdoms And ride the waves Of your inner desires.
Never be afraid, One day the world Will be yours, And it will welcome You with open arms.