Do you think you're fat like me, looks like I'm pregnant with twins. Gained forty pounds in two short years, never thought I'd reach two hundred pounds. If you don't give a **** like me, then don't even worry about it. If you care then try a diet, exercise as often as possible. I bring to you, for a one time offer, the I don't give a **** diet. Jam packed with all things bad for you, sit on your *** all day and do nothing. That's my diet secret, no pain, all gain. I like my big fat tummy, it assures that my food is yummy. I find it funny, when fat people order a steak and three sides, then they ask for a diet soda, like that's gonna do anything. People who say they love the taste, must be lying, cause diet soda is nasty. Oh those days when I was skinny, dorky face and bushy blonde hair. Not sure which one of me looked better, but hot ****, no one makes the girls wetter.