I stare as they carry her out She had been fighting, suffering for so long it was only a matter of time
I can only mourn for so long as I continue on with my ever losing job I turn to walk as the cat crawls out of her room
The next day, the old man who used to call me by his daughter's name passes after his favorite time of day, 4 o'clock when the sun just begins to grow tired and the wind picks up with night's righteous fall
I pray a short prayer for the man who thought I was his I turn to continue on with my ever losing job as the cat rubs against my leg
The next day there is a visitor room 303 there is yelling and harsh words thrown back and fourth and when the visitor leaves there is silence complete silence
I plead to the Lord that the visit will heal from this loss if it were a loss. I turn to carry on with my ever losing job as the cat jumps in my way and hisses
The next day is peaceful there is no commotion and no emergency calls
It is closing time for my ever losing job I turn to leave my office and the cat sits in my threshold unblinking, staring at me