WANTED: one poet! garret trained, impractical in many ways, scatterbrained, dark, mysterious. and lovelorn. must be at the very least lovesick. not adverse to occasional starving and bouts of woe. even able to adapt to living in a continual cycle of manic depressive flux. able to overcome writer's block... and worse!....word drought able to converse in both, straight and rhymed verse. desirable; an understanding of freeflow and rap must have ability to write, day as night and night as day must work for minimal pay, read: mostly zero $$. just occasional compliments. should be able to empathise. and in a position to consider (as a carreer pathway) attempted suicide. applications by way of verse can be sent to the reader via the internet eather and will be read of course but be warned the reader is fickle and may not deign to reply...