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Mar 2014
Once you’ve been to the breaking point
There’s a mark on your soul forever
A wound that deep doesn’t disappear
It’ll heal, but the scar will leave you never

I can still picture in my mind
The little pills piled in my hand
The knot in my stomach
Things going as planned

I remember the panic
When I swallowed those pills
Throwing them back up
Too scared to make the ****

Isn’t that human nature though
Survival drilled into our being
Even when you want it all to end
That ******* instinct keeps your heart beating

I look back on those days
And still feel the shame
Thinking those watchful eyes knew my secret
Stupid I know, but I felt it just the same

Can you imagine the desperation
To be at the end of your rope?
Then living with those actions forever
Struggling to recapture lost hope
Well can you?
Written by
Tiffany  21/F/North Carolina
(21/F/North Carolina)   
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