"Within me, my relative truth is..." is implied when you say the truth in itself you don't have to justify- it's a truth for you, exactly how you said it, and you're sharing a portion of how you see the world. you don't have to defend your position. You can't leave your mind and perceive other truths than that which you know, and if you can, then the whole of your perception, including that concept, is a truth for you- you shouldn't be responsible for knowing every single truth that anyone could possibly have. there is no "I think...", that was implied when you began speaking. Opinions are facts within your mind- that does not mean they are not to be shared. When you share them, you open them to flexibility. Do not step on eggshells around what it is you truly believe- truth might be relative, but it is relative between individuals- it is a sign of our improved communal consciousness that we are aware of this relativity- but alone, your truth is not relative. changeable, yes, but there is no other vantage point to perceive from except yourself. don't be afraid if your truth differs from theirs- of course it will. it's yours. just say it.
this began as a thought and i think it is more of a rumination now. these will be longer analyses of things and I'll get a bit carried away trying to clarify.