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Mar 2014
Yes, I am a Woman
But I am much more than that
I am more than thighs and hips
I have dreams and ambition
Not a slave for your kicks

Yes, I am a Woman
I am not a trophy to be won
Not a game to be played
I am a human being
Do not drag me through this charade

Yes, we are Women
And we come in all shapes and sizes
We are your Mothers, Sisters, Friends, and Wives
We are your equals
Do not subject us to lies

Yes, we are Women
Living in an unfair world
Striving for an impossible image
KIlling ourselves in the name of perfection
All too often, becoming a percentage

Yes, we are Women
And we know how it should be
You should treat us with respect
Love, care, and dignity
Do not grow angry when we are not what you expect

Yes, we are Women
And we will slowly rise above
And I wish it would end tonight
But the truth of the matter is
We will always be looked down on from sight

We are Women, hear us roar
You are the captain of your fate,
you are the master of your soul
Written by
Tiffany  21/F/North Carolina
(21/F/North Carolina)   
     Veena Aneev and Amber Robbins
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