Like a magician’s deft trick She placed her two in a nook of attic Winked two eyes from the dusty pile Cheered not the mind brought not a smile.
One scrap of food one occasional call You are their friend you are their all Without your knowing builds up a rapport They make your home theirs beg your support.
Hidden in her fur you see them asleep You never made a promise you had to keep See in her happiness your looming plight Her calls at the window at odd hours of night!
Two more added and more than you need Aspiring heartbeats hungry mouth to feed You didn’t foresee that your unguarded call Would make your home a nursery and troubles not small!
Quickly they grow up steal your time’s large slice When eyes open in three weeks demands grow thrice Then as they crawl around you fluffs of silken ball You see in the fruiting gains of pleasures no small.