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Mar 2014
I shouldn’t be looking
Eyes pull me to her
She’s a distant thing
Mind craves to reach the star!

I shouldn’t be eying her
She is too distant
But right now she seems not far
She rules me this instant!

My eyes give a furtive lick
Rolls on her pretty skin
My mind gives a joyous squeak
If her I could win!

She knows I’m eyeing her
A star that too knows
She knows in her beauty’s spur
My love’s dying throes!

I shouldn’t be looking
My eyes know it too well
But mind on forbidden wings
To the distant star sails!

My longing glance slips on her
Eyes dream to glue on her face
Soon she would be a distant star
Swallowed in emptiness!
Pradip Chattopadhyay
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