do you ever start chinking away breaking, cracking the stone, hard mineral, steel cold barrier of your heart so it'd be impossible for someone else to do it for you?
white wine pungent, soft clinking glass against an empty chasm sunlight hard wood draped in sleeping veneer.
cascading drapes against violet dark stagnant bruised skin left alone and slowly freezing over. smoke leaking through whispering dry lips chapped with desert words lack of moisture creating canyons hidden inside desperate mouths.
it's breaking like a frozen over ashy, navy, drowning lake. my own fault, i always start breaking my own heart. my own form of life insurance.
it's fogged over like a magnifying glass, cracking across the two foot surface because the strangled fish can't breathe under all the permafrost and ice.
i'm waiting impatiently for summer; i hate this cold.