The thing I wanted most was a Barbie doll Nana said that it was useless and a waste of money So instead Nana brought me three beautiful summer dresses ~~ When I was about ten years old, I wanted a Barbie doll with golden hair Instead they brought me a cheap doll with no hair; and some frilly days of the week underwear
Every part of my doll kept coming apart I remember my little brother chewing on the doll feet leaving bite marks ~ I had to keep the doll away from kettles, candles, radiators and even the hot sun Once I leave it near an electric water kettle: To my surprise I never knew that Cheap plastic usually melt ~~~ When I was about fourteen, I wanted to go to the country fair with my friends To experience the life of a teenager, Instead granddad got out his vintage bell and Howell movie cameras and said to me “watch your friends from afar with these new lens” ~ I wanted others things more than anything else besides Being under the watchful eyes of my grandparents: I wanted to be that kind of kid that who stayed out late and get into trouble: I wanted to be that badass defiance one