there are several ways to say, 'what in the hell are you doing?'
the first starts with: 'what in the hell am i doing?'
someone coughs in the backdrop. there is a hollowness to the room. the cough bounces wall to wall, playing auditory pong.
you turn around, rather startled, and see an old man keeled tightly over his knees, fast asleep and yet choking on his compressed diaphragm.
he snores, habit fizzling over loose lips and dripping thru his warm saliva 'til it becomes a taoist creek on the bed of the auditorium floor. he coughs, chokes, and it repeats throughout the room like a phantom.
you trudge slowly toward him. he lets out one long, conservative choke and jerks backward, a spinal catapult and to the ground. THUMP
there are several ways to say, 'what in the hell are you doing?'
the first starts with: 'what in the hell am i doing?'
someone coughs in the backdrop. there is a hollowness to the room. the cough bounces wall to wall, playing auditory pong.