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Mar 2014
I mean...I... I apologized
I attempted to do what makes me most uncomfortable
I Admit. Admit that I needed to commit to something that could of raised happiness, raised my vision. I guess I saw was just an abstract view...I walked into a museum only to misinterpret you.
The sculpture I thought was broken. I thought it was missing pieces...these were my distorted and ignorant views
When the truth is...I'm the broken one...the critic of his own self review
I didn't was sucha short, intense time and quick moment, I guess when they say handle with care...the few chances of opportunity to display your control, are the ones you need to learn to grab on to and hold it. I Regret. What's that? I never look back. I just wish I could of accepted what I knew was important...I wish I could of handled the truth and the facts. Cause I've become someone else. You've brought this newfound inspiration. not as someone you yearn for...this is a person who's supposed to be part of your journey, the friendship of wisdom and honesty in your future creation. I apologize. I'm aware it hasn't been that long. I'm a man of chipped pieces. I'm a sculpture with many flaws. I think I miss the person I felt most comfortable with...not due to feelings, just the fact they cared at all.
She was sucha good friend to begin with...why'd I let her go?
Dougie Simps
Written by
Dougie Simps  NYC
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